A downloadable game for Windows

You’ve got 5 minutes to discover 16 hidden historic items in this level! As you explore, you'll uncover fascinating details about what life in Tokyo was like before the pandemic of 2057 changed everything. Good luck, and most importantly, have fun!

This is part of the Lost Worlds Game Jam, it will be classed as a late submission if accepted due to errors when packaging. The Jam lasted two week for the Dev build and I am happy with the outcome. The game is not finished, minor bugs and has no Win state but I shall continue to work on this. 

I am happy for feedback as this is my first game released and I am always up for learning and growth. Enjoy!

Dev Note: Upon packaging the game, one of the sixteen items is missing from this version of the game. So you will only be able to find 15 in total!

Updated 10 days ago
Published 14 days ago
Tagschilled, Game Jam, japan, photos, Singleplayer, tokyo




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Hey, is there a way to play with keyboard and mouse? It looks super gorgeous but I can't get past the opening menu! :( 

Seems to be running ok on my PC, I may have to review the opening screen only at this time! Unless I can find a friend with a gamepad I can borrow >.<

This one has really piqued my interest, but at the moment I can't do it justice, as I can only run the menu. It looks fantastic, but not owning a game controller, I cant play it yet. This is as much a learning experience for me, as a game dev hopeful... why don't I own a $10 gamepad!

I've ordered myself a controller hopefully it gets here in time for a review!

Hello again, Sorry to put you out of your way with the gamepad option. I shall make sure to cater for Keyboard and Mouse for future entries. Thank you for your interest, I will make sure you get to play the game at some point. Thank you

The controls are smooth and I love the idea of exploring a "past" place through a camera. Perhaps you could even take that a step further and add some virtual augmented reality elements. But the time limit is really out of place, you should remove that. I was just running through the city instead of breathing in the atmosphere and taking the time to read the texts. Maybe also add some kind of help to find missing items, I only found 10.

Hi! Thank you for playing and providing me with your feedback. I myself also enjoyed the camera perspective and I am happy I stuck with that choice. I did toy with the idea of removing the timer, however this was the only option I could think about to make the game replay able in the short term. The timer does pause when the widgets open, so you have time to take in the historic information. Well done for finding 10! I did make some tricky to find again in aim for reply ability value. I do like the virtual augmented reality elements and make add something along these lines in a future version. Again thank you for you kind words and constructive feedback. All the best.

is is not PC supported 😭

I shall keep this in mind for a future release.